Fall Payments

Lady of the Lake Dance Camps - Online Payment for **  FALL WEEKEND **

(US dollars only)

To send a check (and not pay online): The postal address is included on the Fall Weekend page. It’s also in the generated email sent when a camp registration is submitted (sent from fall-weekend@ladyofthelake.org).

What do you wish to pay? (a number, no dollar sign). Deposit payments should include the minimum amount per camper.

After you click Submit, there’s a pause and this form sends an email to you showing your entries and indicating your intention to pay (the email will be from LOLaccounts). There is no final confirmation screen for this form; you’ll get a PayPal screen instead. There you can use your PayPal account or a credit card. To exit without paying, see the cancel option at the bottom of the PayPal screens. PayPal sends an email to you and to us when it has processed the payment initiated through this form.
Thank you!